Siddhartha Guatama, the Buddha, was born in the spring of the year 563 BC, and his birthday is celebrated in many places today. Happy Birthday Buddha! You don't look 2,597 years old!
Japan's Buddhist community celebrated April 8. The date changes every year and is dependent on a number of factors which we don't have space to enumerate here.
Buddha was born in Nepal, to local king and queen. His mom was on a trip somewhere and the event was echoed by the Allman Brothers' Ramblin' Man:
"...I was born in the back seat of a Greyhound Bus rollin' down Highway 41..."
Would that quote make the Buddha roll in his grave or just laugh? Probably a chuckle or two.
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We will close this Purnima with an authentic quote from the Dharma, or texts based upon Buddha's teachings:
"Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most."